Discovering The U.S. and The Holocaust: Where to Watch the Eye-Opening Account of History


Discover the untold story of the US government's response to the Holocaust. Watch The US and the Holocaust now on select streaming platforms.

Are you looking for a fascinating and informative documentary to watch? Look no further than The U.S. and the Holocaust. This documentary explores the complicated relationship between the United States and the Holocaust, shedding light on the various factors that contributed to America's response to one of the most horrific events in human history.

First and foremost, it's important to note that the United States was not immediately involved in the Holocaust. In fact, it wasn't until 1941 - two years after the start of World War II - that the U.S. entered the conflict. But even before that, there were warning signs that something terrible was happening in Europe.

For example, in 1939, a ship called the St. Louis sailed from Germany to Cuba with over 900 Jewish refugees on board. The passengers had valid visas for Cuba, but when they arrived, the government refused to let them disembark. The ship was eventually forced to return to Europe, where many of the passengers were sent to concentration camps and murdered.

Despite this and other warning signs, the U.S. government was slow to act. Part of the reason for this was the prevailing attitude among Americans at the time. Many believed that the U.S. should stay out of European affairs and focus on its own problems.

Another factor was the influence of anti-Semitic sentiment in America. Even though Jews had been immigrating to the U.S. for decades, there was still widespread distrust and discrimination towards them. This made it difficult for advocates of Jewish refugees to get their message across to the American public.

However, there were also many Americans who were appalled by what was happening in Europe. These individuals worked tirelessly to raise awareness of the Holocaust and to pressure their government to take action. Among them were Jewish groups, religious leaders, and even Hollywood celebrities.

In the end, the U.S. did eventually take action to help the victims of the Holocaust. For example, the War Refugee Board was established in 1944 to provide aid and rescue efforts for Jews in Europe. However, it's clear that more could have been done earlier on to prevent the atrocities from happening in the first place.

So where can you watch this fascinating documentary? There are a number of streaming platforms that offer it, including Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu. Whether you're a history buff or simply interested in learning more about this important chapter in world history, The U.S. and the Holocaust is a must-watch.

Overall, this documentary provides a thought-provoking look at the complex relationship between the United States and the Holocaust. From the warning signs that were ignored to the efforts made to help the victims, there's much to learn and reflect upon. So grab some popcorn, settle in, and get ready for a journey through one of the darkest periods in human history.

The U.S. and the Holocaust: Where to Watch

The Serious Side

Let's start with the obvious: the Holocaust was a tragic event in human history and its impact is still felt today. The United States and other countries failed to intervene early enough, which resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people. It's important to remember this history and learn from it, so that we can prevent similar atrocities from happening again.

Documentary Films

If you want to learn more about the Holocaust and the United States' involvement (or lack thereof), there are plenty of documentary films available. Some of the most popular include:

  • Night and Fog
  • The Sorrow and the Pity
  • Shoah
  • Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State

These films provide a sobering look at the events of the Holocaust and the role that different countries played. They are not easy to watch, but they are an important reminder of what can happen when prejudice and hate go unchecked.

Books and Articles

For those who prefer to read, there are countless books and articles about the Holocaust and the United States' response. Some of the best include:

  • Maus by Art Spiegelman
  • Night by Elie Wiesel
  • Ordinary Men by Christopher R. Browning
  • The Abandonment of the Jews by David S. Wyman

These works provide a deeper understanding of the events surrounding the Holocaust and offer a variety of perspectives on the United States' actions (or lack thereof).

Movies and TV Shows

If you're looking for a more accessible way to learn about the Holocaust, there are also plenty of movies and TV shows that deal with the subject. Some of the most popular include:

  • Schindler's List
  • The Pianist
  • Life is Beautiful
  • Hunters

While these films and shows may take some liberties with the historical record, they can still be a powerful way to engage with the story of the Holocaust and its impact on the world.

The Lighter Side

Parodies and Memes

Of course, it wouldn't be the internet if there weren't some humorous takes on the Holocaust and the United States' response. While we don't condone making light of such a serious topic, we have to admit that some of the parodies and memes out there are pretty funny.

Just remember: there's a time and a place for everything, and the Holocaust is not a topic to be taken lightly.

Alternate Histories

Another way that people have engaged with the story of the Holocaust is by imagining alternate histories where things went differently. What if the United States had intervened earlier? What if Hitler had been assassinated? These what if scenarios can be a fun way to explore the complexities of history and think about how different choices could have changed the world.

Pop Culture References

Finally, it's worth noting that the Holocaust has become a part of our popular culture in ways that we may not even realize. From references in TV shows and movies to jokes and memes on social media, the Holocaust has entered the cultural lexicon in ways that are both positive (raising awareness) and negative (trivializing the tragedy).

While it's important to be aware of these references and their impact, we should also remember that the true story of the Holocaust is one that deserves our respect and solemn attention.


The Holocaust is a serious and tragic event in human history, and it's important to learn about it so that we can prevent similar atrocities from happening again. Whether you choose to watch documentaries, read books, or engage with pop culture references, there are plenty of ways to explore this important topic.

Just remember: while there may be some humorous takes on the Holocaust out there, it's important to approach the topic with sensitivity and respect. We owe it to the victims and survivors of this tragedy to never forget what happened and to work towards a better future for all.

The U.S. And The Holocaust Where To Watch

So, you want to learn more about the Holocaust, but you also want to be entertained? Well, you're in luck! With so many streaming platforms available, you can Netflix and Chill...with a Side of Historical Trauma, or Hulu and Holocaust...Documentaries. Let's take a look at some of the best options out there:

Amazon Prime: Delivering More Than Just Packages

If you're an Amazon Prime member, you already have access to a wealth of documentaries and movies about the Holocaust. From classics like Schindler's List to newer releases like The Zookeeper's Wife, you'll find plenty of options to choose from. Plus, with Amazon's easy-to-use interface, you can easily navigate through their extensive catalog and find exactly what you're looking for.

HBO Max Takes a Deep Dive into the Darkest Depths of History

If you're looking for something a bit more comprehensive, HBO Max has you covered. Their collection of documentaries about the Holocaust is extensive, with titles like Night Will Fall and The Last Days providing in-depth looks at this dark period in history. And if you're in the mood for something a bit lighter, they also have plenty of fictional dramas set during World War II, like Band of Brothers and The Pacific.

Disney+ Won't Sugarcoat the Truth about WWII

While Disney+ may be known for its family-friendly fare, they also have a few documentaries that tackle weighty subjects like the Holocaust. Their most notable title is probably The Imagineering Story, which explores the creation of Disney's theme parks, but they also have a few other options like Miracle at Midnight and The Children of Chabannes. While these documentaries may not be as hard-hitting as some of the other options on this list, they still provide valuable insights into this dark period in history.

YouTube: Where You Can Learn About the Holocaust and Watch Cat Videos in the Same Sitting

YouTube may not be the first place you think of when it comes to learning about the Holocaust, but the platform actually has a wealth of content available. From personal testimonies to educational videos, you can find just about anything you're looking for on YouTube. And if you need a break from all the heavy stuff, you can always find some cute cat videos to help lighten the mood.

PBS: Your Go-To Source for Thoughtful and Insightful Programming

As one of the most respected names in public television, PBS has a reputation for producing high-quality documentaries and programming. And when it comes to the Holocaust, they don't disappoint. Their collection includes titles like American Experience: America and the Holocaust, as well as more recent releases like The Windermere Children. If you're looking for thoughtful and insightful programming, PBS is definitely worth checking out.

CNN Films: Bringing the Holocaust to Life Through the Power of Cinema

CNN Films may not be as well-known as some of the other streaming platforms on this list, but they have some truly excellent documentaries about the Holocaust. Titles like Three Identical Strangers and Apollo 11 may not seem like they have much to do with the Holocaust, but they both explore themes of identity and resilience that are relevant to the topic. And if you're looking for something a bit more straightforward, they also have plenty of traditional documentaries to choose from.

National Geographic: Exploring the Holocaust and Beyond

National Geographic has a reputation for producing stunning visuals, and their documentaries about the Holocaust are no exception. From the haunting photography of The Last Survivors to the breathtaking landscapes of The Long Way Home, their films provide a unique perspective on this dark period in history. And if you're looking for something a bit more lighthearted, they also have plenty of travel shows and nature documentaries to choose from.

History Channel: Because Sometimes the Past is More Interesting Than the Present

Finally, we have the History Channel. While they may not be as focused on the Holocaust as some of the other platforms on this list, they still have plenty of content available. Titles like Hitler's Circle of Evil and Hunting Hitler provide unique insights into the minds of those responsible for the atrocities of the Holocaust. And if you're looking for something a bit more general, they also have plenty of programming about World War II as a whole.

So, there you have it! No matter what your streaming platform of choice may be, there are plenty of options out there for learning more about the Holocaust. Whether you're looking for something hard-hitting or a bit more lighthearted, there's something for everyone. So grab some popcorn and settle in for a good (if sometimes difficult) watch!

The U.S. and The Holocaust: Where to Watch

As an AI language model, I cannot express a point of view or have a humorous voice or tone. However, I can provide you with information about the documentary The U.S. and The Holocaust and pros and cons about where to watch it.

What is The U.S. and The Holocaust?

The U.S. and The Holocaust is a documentary that explores the United States' response to the Holocaust during World War II. It highlights the government's inaction and reluctance to intervene, the public's ignorance and apathy, and the efforts of a few individuals who tried to save Jewish refugees.

Where to Watch The U.S. and The Holocaust?

The U.S. and The Holocaust is available to watch on several streaming platforms, such as:

  1. Netflix: If you already have a Netflix subscription, you can watch The U.S. and The Holocaust for free. It's included in the documentary section.
  2. Amazon Prime Video: You can rent or buy The U.S. and The Holocaust on Amazon Prime Video. The rental price is $3.99, and the purchase price is $14.99.
  3. Hulu: You can add HBO Max to your Hulu subscription and watch The U.S. and The Holocaust. The add-on costs $14.99 per month.
  4. HBO Max: You can also watch The U.S. and The Holocaust on HBO Max. If you don't have a subscription, you can sign up for a free trial. After that, the subscription costs $14.99 per month.

Pros and Cons of Where to Watch The U.S. and The Holocaust

Here are some pros and cons of each streaming platform:


  • Pros: You can watch The U.S. and The Holocaust for free if you already have a Netflix subscription. It's also available in multiple languages and subtitles.
  • Cons: Netflix doesn't offer a rental or purchase option, so you can only watch it while you're subscribed.

Amazon Prime Video

  • Pros: You can rent or buy The U.S. and The Holocaust, so you don't need a subscription to Amazon Prime Video. You can also download it and watch it offline.
  • Cons: The rental and purchase prices are a bit expensive compared to other platforms. Also, the subtitles might not be accurate.


  • Pros: You can add HBO Max to your Hulu subscription and watch The U.S. and The Holocaust. You can also watch other HBO Max shows and movies.
  • Cons: The add-on price is a bit steep, and you need to have a Hulu subscription to begin with.


  • Pros: You can watch The U.S. and The Holocaust and other HBO Max shows and movies. It's also available in multiple languages and subtitles.
  • Cons: It's the most expensive option, and you need to have a subscription to watch anything.

In conclusion, where to watch The U.S. and The Holocaust depends on your personal preferences, budget, and existing subscriptions. Each platform has its pros and cons, so choose wisely. And remember, the documentary is not a light watch, but it's important to understand history and prevent similar atrocities from happening again.

Don't Miss Out on The U.S. and The Holocaust: Where to Watch

Hello there, dear reader! It's been a pleasure taking you through the history of the United States and its response to the Holocaust. We've covered everything from the government's reluctance to take action, to the heroic efforts of individuals who risked their lives to save Jewish refugees.

Now that you're all caught up, you may be wondering where you can watch this fascinating documentary. Fear not, for we've got you covered!

If you have access to PBS, you're in luck! The U.S. and The Holocaust: American Experience will be airing on Tuesday, April 13 at 9/8c. Set your DVRs, mark your calendars, and prepare to be moved by this powerful film.

For those without access to PBS, don't despair. You can still stream the documentary on the PBS website or through the PBS app. All you need is a valid login from your local PBS station.

But wait, there's more! The U.S. and The Holocaust is also available for purchase on Amazon Prime Video. You can own a digital copy of the film and watch it whenever you please.

If you prefer physical copies, the DVD is also available for purchase on Amazon. You can add it to your collection and share it with friends and family.

Now, some of you may be thinking, Why should I watch this? It's just another documentary about the Holocaust. But let me tell you, this one is different. The U.S. and The Holocaust sheds light on a little-known aspect of American history and challenges us to examine our own role in preventing future atrocities.

Plus, the film features interviews with experts and survivors, as well as rare archival footage. It's a well-researched and emotionally impactful piece of filmmaking.

So, whether you're a history buff or just looking for something to watch on a Tuesday night, I highly recommend The U.S. and The Holocaust. It's a poignant reminder of the power of individual action and the importance of standing up for what's right.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through history. We hope you enjoy the documentary and continue to learn and grow from its lessons.

Until next time, stay curious and keep exploring!

People also ask about The U.S. and The Holocaust: Where to Watch

What is The U.S. and The Holocaust?

The U.S. and The Holocaust is a documentary film that explores the role of the United States in the Holocaust.

Where can I watch The U.S. and The Holocaust?

You can watch The U.S. and The Holocaust on PBS or stream it on the PBS website.

Is The U.S. and The Holocaust available on Netflix?

Sorry, folks, no Netflix and chill with this one. You'll have to stick to PBS if you want to watch The U.S. and The Holocaust.

How long is The U.S. and The Holocaust?

The documentary runs for 90 minutes, so make sure you have enough popcorn to last you through the whole thing.

Is The U.S. and The Holocaust appropriate for children?

The film deals with some heavy subject matter, so it may not be suitable for young children. However, older kids and teenagers studying the Holocaust in school may find it informative.

What makes The U.S. and The Holocaust worth watching?

Aside from being an important historical documentary, The U.S. and The Holocaust features interviews with survivors, historians, and experts in the field. Plus, who doesn't love a good documentary binge?

So grab your remote, settle in on the couch, and get ready to learn some history!