Experience Horror in the Wilderness with Watch Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort - Your Complete Guide


Get ready for the latest installment in the Wrong Turn franchise - Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort. Can you survive the terror of this twisted tale?

Are you tired of the same old horror movies that follow a predictable plot and offer no real scares? Look no further than the latest installment in the Wrong Turn franchise, Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort. This film takes everything you thought you knew about the series and turns it on its head, delivering a fresh and terrifying experience that will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

Firstly, let's talk about the setting. Instead of the usual remote forest or abandoned town, our characters find themselves at a secluded resort deep in the hills of West Virginia. The picturesque scenery and peaceful surroundings are the perfect contrast to the gruesome events that unfold, making for a truly unsettling atmosphere.

But what really sets this movie apart is the cast of characters. We have Danny, our protagonist who inherits the resort and discovers his shocking family history. Then there's his friends, who are more interested in partying than uncovering the dark secrets of the resort. And let's not forget the mysterious and creepy hillbilly family who call the resort their home.

As the story unfolds, we're taken on a rollercoaster ride of gore and terror. From brutal killings to disturbing rituals, this movie doesn't hold back on the horror. But it's not all doom and gloom - there are plenty of moments of dark humor that will have you laughing and cringing at the same time.

One thing that really stands out in this film is the attention to detail. The makeup and practical effects are top-notch, creating some of the most gruesome and realistic kills in recent memory. And the cinematography captures the beauty of the resort while also highlighting the horrors that lurk within.

But what really makes Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort so great is the way it subverts expectations. Just when you think you know where the story is going, it takes a sharp turn and throws you for a loop. This keeps the movie engaging and unpredictable, making for a truly thrilling experience.

Of course, no horror movie is complete without a twist ending. And let me tell you, Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort delivers in spades. This final reveal will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about the franchise, and will have you eagerly anticipating the next installment.

In conclusion, if you're a fan of horror movies that push boundaries and deliver real scares, then you need to watch Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort. From the unique setting to the memorable characters, this film has it all. So grab some popcorn, turn off the lights, and prepare to be terrified.


Have you ever watched a horror movie that's so bad it's actually good? Well, let me introduce you to the masterpiece that is Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort. This film is the sixth installment in the Wrong Turn franchise, and it's safe to say that it's the most ridiculous one yet. From terrible acting to nonsensical plotlines, this movie has it all. So sit back, relax, and let me take you on a journey through the hilarity that is Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort.

The Acting

Let's start with the acting, or lack thereof. The cast of this movie is made up of mostly unknown actors, and it shows. The performances are wooden and lack any real emotion. It's almost as if the actors were reading their lines off of cue cards for the first time. But the standout performance, or lack thereof, comes from the lead actor Anthony Ilott. His portrayal of the main character, Danny, is so bad that it's almost impressive. He delivers his lines with all the enthusiasm of a sloth on sedatives, and his facial expressions are about as convincing as a cardboard cutout.

The Dialogue

Speaking of the actors' lines, let's talk about the dialogue in this movie. It's as if the writers were trying to see how many cliches they could fit into one script. There are moments where you'll find yourself cringing at how cheesy and predictable the dialogue is. And don't even get me started on the attempts at humor. The jokes fall flat every single time, and you're left wondering if the writers were even trying.

The Plot

If you're looking for a coherent and well-thought-out plot, then Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort is not the movie for you. The plot revolves around Danny inheriting a hotel in the middle of nowhere from his unknown birth family. Of course, things take a turn for the worse when he discovers that his family is actually a group of cannibals who have been luring unsuspecting victims to their hotel for years. The plot is convoluted and nonsensical, with plot holes big enough to drive a truck through.

The Gore

One thing that Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort does well is gore. If you're a fan of blood and guts, then this movie has plenty of it. From decapitations to impalements, the kills are over-the-top and gruesome. However, the special effects are so poorly done that the gore ends up being more comical than scary.

The Characters

Aside from the lead, Danny, the other characters in this movie are forgettable at best. They're all one-dimensional and serve no purpose other than to be canon fodder for the cannibal family. There's the slutty girl, the jock, the stoner, and the nice guy. You've seen these characters before, and you'll see them again in countless other horror movies. There's nothing unique or interesting about any of them.

The Cannibal Family

The cannibal family is supposed to be the main antagonists of the movie, but they're almost laughable. They look like they stumbled out of a Halloween store clearance bin, and their motivations are never fully explained. They're just evil for the sake of being evil. It's hard to take them seriously when they look like they're wearing cheap masks from Party City.

The Sex Scenes

No horror movie would be complete without gratuitous sex scenes, and Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort delivers on that front. However, the sex scenes are so poorly done that they're more awkward than titillating. The camera angles are weird, and the editing is choppy. It's almost as if the filmmakers were trying to make a parody of sex scenes instead of actual sex scenes.

The Ending

And finally, we come to the ending of the movie. Without giving too much away, let's just say that it's as ridiculous as the rest of the movie. The final showdown between Danny and the cannibal family is anti-climactic, and the resolution is unsatisfying. But at this point, you're not watching the movie for the plot or the acting. You're watching it for the sheer absurdity of it all.


Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort is a terrible movie, but it's also a lot of fun to watch. It's one of those movies that's so bad it's good. If you're looking for a horror movie to watch with friends and laugh at, then this is the perfect choice. Just don't expect anything coherent or well-made. Sit back, enjoy the gore, and revel in the hilarity of it all.

Watch Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort

Who needs GPS when you have a wrong turn? That's the question I found myself asking while watching Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort. This horror flick takes viewers on a journey through the backwoods of West Virginia, where a group of friends stumble upon a remote resort that's run by a family of inbred cannibals. If that doesn't sound like your idea of a good time, then you're not alone.

A Movie That Makes You Want to Stay Home

This movie makes me want to stay at home forever. Seriously, after watching it, I'm pretty sure I never want to leave my house again. The characters in the film make so many bad decisions that it's hard not to yell at the screen. They ignore 'No Trespassing' signs, wander off into the woods alone, and willingly stay at a creepy resort even after they realize something is seriously wrong. I don't think I've ever been so frustrated with a group of fictional characters.

Avoid Family Reunions at Remote Resorts

Note to self: never accept an invitation to a family reunion at a remote resort. In this movie, the main character discovers that he's actually part of the inbred family that runs the resort. And let me tell you, things get pretty twisted from there. There's incest, murder, and lots of gore. It's not exactly the kind of family reunion you'd want to attend.

The Beards Are Everywhere

I don't think I've ever seen so many beards in one place. Seriously, every male character in this movie has a beard. It's like they all decided to grow them just for this film. It's almost distracting, but then you remember that there are cannibals trying to kill everyone and the beards become the least of your worries.

Stick to Your Local Holiday Inn

I think I'll stick to my local Holiday Inn, thank you very much. I don't need to be staying in a remote resort where the staff is trying to eat me. Call me crazy, but that's just not my idea of a relaxing vacation. This movie definitely makes you appreciate the safety and comfort of a chain hotel.

A Horror Version of 'Survivor'

Does anyone else feel like they're watching a horror movie version of 'Survivor'? The characters in Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort are constantly trying to outwit and outlast the cannibal family. They form alliances, come up with plans, and try to stay one step ahead of their captors. It's almost like a twisted game show, but with way higher stakes.

The Only Way to Survive

I'm pretty sure the only way to survive in this movie is to be a member of the inbred family. Everyone else seems to be quickly dispatched by the cannibals. So, if you're ever in a situation like this, make sure to double check your family tree and see if there are any distant relatives running a remote resort in the woods.

Read Reviews Before Booking

If you're planning a vacation, make sure to read the reviews on TripAdvisor before booking. The last thing you want is to end up at a resort run by cannibals. Trust me on this one.

In conclusion, Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort is not for the faint of heart. It's a gruesome, disturbing film that will make you question why anyone would ever go camping or stay at a remote resort. But, if you're a horror fan looking for something that will make your heart race and your stomach churn, then this movie is definitely worth a watch. Just make sure to keep the lights on afterwards.

Watch Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort - A Hilarious Review

Point of View

Alright, let's get one thing straight. I am not a horror movie buff. In fact, I'm the type of person who screams at the slightest jump scare. So when my friend suggested we watch Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort, I was hesitant. But boy, am I glad I watched it. From start to finish, it was a rollercoaster of laughter, shock, and pure absurdity.


If you're looking for a good laugh, this movie has got you covered. It's so bad that it's good. The acting is terrible, the dialogue is cringeworthy, and the plot is downright ridiculous. But that's what makes it entertaining. It's like watching a train wreck - you can't look away.Additionally, the movie has some pretty impressive gore effects. If you're into that sort of thing, you won't be disappointed.


Okay, let's be real. This movie is not going to win any Oscars. The plot is thin, the characters are one-dimensional, and the pacing is all over the place. It's not going to change your life or make you question the meaning of existence. It's just a mindless, fun flick.

Table Information

Here's a breakdown of some keywords related to the movie:

  • Title: Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort
  • Genre: Horror/Comedy
  • Director: Valeri Milev
  • Cast: Anthony Ilott, Chris Jarvis, Aqueela Zoll
  • Release Date: October 13, 2014
  • Box Office: $1.38 million
  • Runtime: 1 hour 31 minutes
  • Rating: R for strong horror violence and gore, sexuality/nudity, language, and some drug use
Overall, Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort is a movie that you can enjoy with a group of friends and a bucket of popcorn. It's not going to change your life, but it will make you laugh and cringe in equal measure. Just don't take it too seriously.

Closing Message: Watch Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort...if You Dare!

Well, folks, it's been quite a journey exploring the twisted world of the Wrong Turn franchise. And now, we've arrived at the final destination - Last Resort. If you're a horror movie fan with a strong stomach and a penchant for gore, this film is definitely worth a watch. But be warned - it's not for the faint of heart.

If you've made it this far in the series, you know what to expect from the plot. A group of unsuspecting young adults stumble upon a clan of cannibalistic mountain men, and all hell breaks loose. But what sets Last Resort apart from its predecessors is its setting - an abandoned hotel in the middle of nowhere. This creepy locale provides the perfect backdrop for all kinds of gruesome and disturbing scenarios.

Of course, no Wrong Turn movie would be complete without some seriously messed up characters. And Last Resort delivers on that front as well. From the sadistic hotel manager to the deformed and bloodthirsty family members, each villain is more disturbing than the last. But perhaps the most unsettling character of all is the protagonist, Danny. Without giving too much away, let's just say that his family tree has some seriously gnarled roots.

Now, let's talk about the gore. Oh boy, is there gore. Every scene in Last Resort seems designed to push the boundaries of what's acceptable to show on screen. From graphic dismemberment to brutal sexual violence, nothing is off-limits. And while some viewers might find this excessive, others will revel in the sheer audacity of it all.

But here's the thing - if you're going to watch Last Resort, you have to commit to it. This is not a movie you can watch while scrolling through Instagram or chatting with your friends. You need to give it your full attention, because every moment is important. And trust me, there are plenty of plot twists and surprises along the way.

So, to sum up: should you watch Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort? If you're a horror fan who loves a good gore-fest and isn't easily disturbed, then absolutely. But if you're sensitive to violence or just looking for a casual movie night, maybe stick with something a little less intense.

One final note - if you do decide to watch Last Resort, don't say I didn't warn you. This is a movie that will haunt your dreams and make you question your sanity. But hey, that's what horror movies are all about, right?

Thanks for joining me on this journey through the twisted world of Wrong Turn. Until next time...stay scared!

People Also Ask About Watch Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort

What is the plot of Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort?

In this installment of the Wrong Turn franchise, a man named Danny inherits a hotel in the remote hills of West Virginia. However, his excitement turns to horror as he learns the gruesome history of the area and its inhabitants, a family of mutated cannibals who will stop at nothing to protect their land.

Is Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort a good movie?

Well, that's subjective. If you enjoy bloody horror movies filled with gore and gratuitous nudity, then this may be the movie for you. However, if you're looking for an Oscar-worthy film with a deep storyline and complex characters, you may want to look elsewhere.

How many Wrong Turn movies are there?

There are a total of six Wrong Turn movies, including Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort. Each movie follows a different group of people who stumble upon the inbred cannibal family living in the West Virginia hills.

Do I need to watch the other Wrong Turn movies before watching this one?

No, each Wrong Turn movie is a stand-alone story and can be watched independently of the others. However, if you're a fan of the franchise, it may enhance your viewing experience to watch them all in order.

Is there anything humorous about Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort?

Well, some people might find the over-the-top gore and ridiculousness of the plot to be funny. Additionally, there are a few unintentionally funny moments scattered throughout the movie. Just don't expect it to be a laugh-out-loud comedy.

Overall, is Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort worth watching?

Again, that's subjective. If you're a fan of the Wrong Turn franchise or enjoy horror movies in general, it may be worth a watch. However, if you're sensitive to graphic violence or prefer more intellectually stimulating movies, you may want to skip this one.