Fall in Love with Watch 500 Days of Summer: A Heartwarming Romantic Comedy


Experience a bittersweet love story with Watch 500 Days Of Summer. Follow Tom and Summer's journey through the ups and downs of their relationship.

Are you ready to experience a rollercoaster of emotions? Look no further than 500 Days of Summer, the ultimate romantic comedy-drama that will have you laughing, crying, and questioning everything you thought you knew about love.

First things first, let's talk about the cast. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel star as Tom and Summer, two people who couldn't be more different yet somehow find themselves falling for each other. Their chemistry is undeniable, and you'll find yourself rooting for them from the very beginning.

But don't let the title fool you – this isn't your typical love story. 500 Days of Summer is unique in that it doesn't follow a linear timeline. Instead, the film jumps back and forth between different days in Tom and Summer's relationship, giving us a glimpse into how they fell in love and ultimately, why they fell apart.

The script is witty and relatable, with plenty of one-liners that will have you chuckling to yourself long after the credits roll. And let's not forget about the soundtrack – featuring artists like Regina Spektor and The Smiths, the music perfectly captures the bittersweet nature of Tom and Summer's relationship.

One of the standout scenes in the film is when Tom attends a house party hosted by Summer. He spends the entire night trying to impress her, only to have his hopes dashed when he learns that she's engaged. It's a cringe-worthy moment, but one that perfectly encapsulates the painful reality of unrequited love.

Another memorable scene is when Tom and Summer visit a park where they play a game called the expectations vs. reality. It's a powerful moment that highlights the disconnect between what we hope for in a relationship versus what actually happens.

Throughout the film, we see Tom struggling to come to terms with the fact that Summer may not be the one for him. It's a relatable theme that many of us have experienced in our own lives, and the film handles it with sensitivity and grace.

But perhaps the most impressive aspect of 500 Days of Summer is its ability to subvert our expectations. Just when we think we know where the story is going, it takes a sharp turn in a completely different direction. It's a refreshing change from the predictable rom-coms we're used to seeing.

In conclusion, 500 Days of Summer is a must-watch for anyone who has ever been in love (or out of love). It's a film that will make you laugh, cry, and ultimately, appreciate the complexities of relationships. So grab some popcorn, settle in, and get ready for a wild ride.


Have you ever heard of the movie 500 Days of Summer? If not, well you're lucky. But if you have, then you probably know what a roller coaster ride it is. This movie has emotions running high and low, making your heart race and then breaking it into a million pieces. So, if you're thinking about watching this movie, read on to find out what you're in for.

The Plot

Let's start with the basics. The plot revolves around Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and Summer (Zooey Deschanel), who meet at work and fall in love. It sounds simple enough, right? Wrong. The movie jumps back and forth between different days of their relationship, making it a bit confusing to follow at times. But hey, that's just part of the charm.

The Characters

Tom is a hopeless romantic who believes in true love and destiny. Summer, on the other hand, doesn't believe in either and prefers to live in the moment. As you can imagine, this causes some conflict between the two throughout the movie. They both have their quirks and flaws, making them relatable and lovable in their own ways.

The Soundtrack

One thing that this movie does exceptionally well is the soundtrack. The music perfectly captures the mood of each scene, making you feel like you're right there with the characters. From Regina Spektor's Us to The Smiths' There Is A Light That Never Goes Out, the songs will stay with you long after the movie ends.

The Expectations

Before you start watching this movie, you need to know something: it's not a typical romantic comedy. It doesn't have a happy ending, and it's not meant to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. If you go into it with those expectations, you're going to be disappointed.

The Reality

The reality is that this movie is a raw and honest portrayal of love and relationships. It shows the good, the bad, and the ugly. It's not afraid to tackle big topics like heartbreak, infidelity, and self-discovery. It's a movie that will make you think and feel, even if those feelings aren't always pleasant.

The Lessons

Despite its heavy subject matter, 500 Days of Summer does offer some valuable lessons. It teaches us that love isn't always enough, and that sometimes we need to let go of the people we care about. It also shows us that we shouldn't change who we are for someone else, and that it's okay to be vulnerable and imperfect.

The Breakup Scene

Now, let's talk about the breakup scene. If you haven't seen the movie yet, you might have heard about this infamous moment. It's a scene that's been praised for its realism and heart-wrenching emotions. It's also a scene that will make you want to crawl into a hole and never come out.

The Aftermath

After the breakup, Tom goes through a period of depression and self-pity. He quits his job, grows a beard, and listens to The Smiths on repeat. It's a relatable phase that many of us have gone through after a tough breakup. But eventually, Tom realizes that he needs to move on and start living his life again.

The Ending

As I mentioned earlier, this movie doesn't have a happy ending. But that doesn't mean it's a bad ending. In fact, it's quite beautiful in its own way. It shows us that sometimes things don't work out the way we want them to, but that doesn't mean we can't find happiness elsewhere.


So, should you watch 500 Days of Summer? If you're looking for a light and fluffy romantic comedy, then no. But if you're willing to experience the highs and lows of love and relationships, then yes. This movie isn't for everyone, but for those who connect with it, it will leave a lasting impression. Just make sure you have some tissues on hand.

The One Where Tom Falls for a Girl Who Doesn't Believe in Love

Let's face it, we've all been there. We fall for someone who doesn't believe in love or commitment, and we think we can change their mind. That's exactly what happens to Tom in 500 Days of Summer. He meets Summer, played by the always delightful Zooey Deschanel, and falls head over heels for her. The problem? She's not looking for anything serious.

Summer: The Ultimate Heartbreaker or Just Misunderstood?

At first glance, it's easy to label Summer as the ultimate heartbreaker. After all, she tells Tom from the start that she's not looking for a relationship. But as the movie unfolds, we see that it's not that simple. Summer has her own issues with love and commitment, and it's clear that she cares deeply for Tom. She just doesn't want to be tied down.

Love is Dead...or is it? A Deep Dive into Tom and Summer's Relationship

One of the things that makes 500 Days of Summer so unique is the way it explores the ups and downs of a relationship. We see Tom and Summer go from head over heels in love to heartbroken and back again. It's a realistic portrayal of how messy and complicated love can be. But even with all the bumps in the road, there are moments of pure magic between Tom and Summer.

Breaking Down the Soundtrack: How Music Adds to the Magic of 500 Days of Summer

The soundtrack of 500 Days of Summer is just as important as the story itself. From Regina Spektor's Us to The Smiths' There Is a Light That Never Goes Out, the music perfectly captures the emotions of each scene. It's impossible not to feel something when Tom dances through the streets to You Make My Dreams by Hall and Oates.

Why You Should Never Compare Your Love Life to a Rom-Com (Especially This One)

As much as we love rom-coms, it's important to remember that they're not always realistic. 500 Days of Summer is a great example of this. While there are moments of pure romance, there are also moments of heartbreak and confusion. It's a reminder that real-life relationships are messy and complicated, and that's okay.

The Importance of Communication: Lessons We Can Learn from Tom and Summer's Relationship

If there's one lesson we can take away from Tom and Summer's relationship, it's the importance of communication. So often in the movie, they assume they know what the other is thinking or feeling, and it leads to misunderstandings. If they had just talked things out more often, things might have turned out differently.

Is It Possible to Be Friends with Your Ex? Tom and Summer Try to Figure It Out

One of the most interesting aspects of 500 Days of Summer is the way it explores the idea of being friends with an ex. Tom and Summer try to maintain a friendship after their breakup, but it's clear that there are still unresolved feelings between them. It's a reminder that sometimes it's better to cut ties completely.

Why Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel are the Ultimate Rom-Com Duo

It's hard to imagine anyone else playing Tom and Summer besides Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel. Their chemistry is undeniable, and they bring a sense of authenticity to their roles. They're the ultimate rom-com duo, and we can't get enough of them.

The One Scene That Will Make You Want to Dance Like Tom in the Streets

There are a lot of memorable scenes in 500 Days of Summer, but the one that stands out the most is when Tom dances through the streets to You Make My Dreams. It's impossible not to feel happy watching him let loose and have fun. It's a scene that will make you want to dance like no one's watching.

500 Days of Summer: A Reminder That Love is Messy, Complicated, and Totally Worth It

At its core, 500 Days of Summer is a reminder that love is messy and complicated, but also totally worth it. It's a movie that will make you laugh, cry, and feel all the feels. It's a reminder that even when things don't go according to plan, there's always hope for a happy ending.

Why Watching 500 Days of Summer is Both Great and Terrible

The Pros:

1. The Soundtrack: One of the best things about this movie is its amazing soundtrack. From Regina Spektor's Us to The Smiths' There is a Light That Never Goes Out, the music perfectly sets the tone for each scene and will leave you humming along for days.

2. The Acting: Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel give fantastic performances as Tom and Summer, respectively. Their chemistry is palpable, and you'll find yourself rooting for them even though you know it's not going to end well.

3. The Humor: Despite being a romantic comedy, the movie has some hilarious moments. Tom's interactions with his quirky coworkers are particularly entertaining, and you'll find yourself laughing out loud more than once.

The Cons:

1. The Depressing Reality: While the movie is marketed as a romantic comedy, it's really more of a cautionary tale about falling in love with someone who's not looking for the same thing as you. The ending is bittersweet at best, and it's hard not to feel a little sad after watching it.

2. The Misleading Narration: The movie is told from Tom's point of view, which makes it easy to sympathize with him. But as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that Tom is an unreliable narrator and that his perception of events is skewed. It's frustrating to watch him make mistake after mistake when it's obvious to everyone else what's really going on.

3. The Overused Tropes: While the movie does have some unique elements, it also relies heavily on cliches like the manic pixie dream girl and the hopeless romantic. If you're looking for a truly original romantic comedy, this might not be the movie for you.


So, should you watch 500 Days of Summer? The answer is yes – but with reservations. If you're in the mood for a funny, heartwarming movie with great music and charming leads, then give it a shot. But if you're looking for a purely happy ending or a movie that breaks the mold, you might want to look elsewhere. Either way, be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions.

Keywords Definition
Soundtrack The music used in a film or TV show to create a certain mood or atmosphere.
Chemistry The connection or rapport between two actors or characters on screen.
Bittersweet A feeling that is both sweet and sad at the same time.
Unreliable narrator A character who tells the story from their own point of view, but whose perception of events may not be entirely accurate or truthful.
Cliches Overused or predictable elements in a story that have become tired or unoriginal.

Don't Watch 500 Days of Summer (Just Kidding, Do It!)

Well, well, well, look who’s here! It's so great to have you as a visitor in our little corner of the internet. We hope you enjoyed reading about why you should watch 500 Days of Summer. If you’re still on the fence about it, let us give you a gentle nudge towards actually watching it.

Let's face it, we all need a good laugh, a good cry, and a good romantic movie to watch once in a while. 500 Days of Summer is the perfect blend of all three. It’s one of those movies that will make you feel every emotion possible and leave you feeling satisfied yet wanting more.

If you’re someone who loves indie movies, then this one should definitely be on your list. It’s quirky, relatable, and has a unique storyline that you won’t find in any other romantic comedy. Plus, the soundtrack is amazing!

Now, we know what you're thinking. I've seen all the rom-coms out there, how is this one any different? Well, for starters, it’s not your typical love story. It’s more about self-discovery than finding true love. It’s about the ups and downs of relationships and how they shape us as individuals.

Another reason to watch this movie is the incredible performances by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel. They have an amazing chemistry on screen that will make you believe in love again. You’ll root for them, you’ll cry with them, and you’ll end up wishing that they were a real couple.

But let’s not forget about the supporting cast, they all bring something special to the table. From Chloe Grace Moretz to Minka Kelly, they all add their own touch to the movie and make it even more enjoyable to watch.

Now, we know that not everyone is a fan of romantic comedies, but trust us when we say that this one is worth the watch. It’s not cheesy or cliche, it’s genuine and heartfelt. It’s a movie that will make you appreciate the little things in life and remind you that love is worth fighting for.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab some popcorn, cozy up on your couch, and get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions. We promise you won’t regret watching 500 Days of Summer (and if you do, well, we can’t be held responsible for your taste in movies).

But seriously, go watch it. You won’t be disappointed.

Thanks for stopping by and happy movie-watching!

People Also Ask About Watch 500 Days Of Summer

What is 500 Days of Summer?

500 Days of Summer is a romantic comedy-drama film released in 2009. It tells the story of Tom Hansen, a hopeless romantic, and his relationship with Summer Finn, a girl who doesn't believe in love. The film explores the ups and downs of their relationship over 500 days.

Is 500 Days of Summer a sad movie?

Well, that depends on how you look at it. While the film does have its sad moments, it's ultimately a story of self-discovery and growth. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll probably relate to some of the characters' experiences.

Why is 500 Days of Summer popular?

500 Days of Summer struck a chord with audiences because it's relatable. Many people have experienced the rollercoaster of emotions that come with falling in love, and this film captures that feeling perfectly. Plus, the soundtrack is pretty amazing.

Is 500 Days of Summer a good date movie?

That depends on your date. If they're into quirky romantic comedies, then yes, it could be a great choice. However, if they're looking for something more action-packed or suspenseful, they might not be as into it. Just be sure to read the room before suggesting this one.

Does 500 Days of Summer have a happy ending?

Without giving too much away, let's just say that the film has an open-ended conclusion. Some viewers interpret it as happy, while others see it as bittersweet. Either way, it's a satisfying ending that leaves you thinking about the film long after it's over.

What lessons can we learn from 500 Days of Summer?

Here are a few takeaways from the film:

  1. Don't put all your happiness and expectations on one person.
  2. Communication is key in any relationship.
  3. It's important to find someone who shares your values and goals.
  4. Self-discovery and growth are important for personal happiness.

Is 500 Days of Summer overrated?

Well, that's a matter of opinion. Some people love the film and think it's a modern classic, while others find it overhyped and pretentious. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide if it's worth watching.

Should I watch 500 Days of Summer?

If you enjoy romantic comedies with a bit of edge, then yes, you should definitely give it a watch. Just be prepared for the emotional rollercoaster that comes with it.