The Ultimate Demon Slayer Watch Order Guide: How to Watch the Anime Series in the Correct Sequence for Maximum Enjoyment


Confused about the Demon Slayer watch order? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Follow this guide to enjoy the anime to the fullest.

Attention all Demon Slayer fans! Have you ever found yourself wondering about the correct order to watch the anime series? Fear not, for I am here to guide you through the confusing labyrinth of Demon Slayer watch orders. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the world of anime, this article is sure to provide you with all the information you need to enjoy the series to its fullest potential.

First things first, let's talk about the elephant in the room - the infamous Machete Order. Some fans swear by this method of watching, claiming that it enhances the viewing experience and makes the story more cohesive. But let's be real, who wants to watch a show about demon slaying with a machete? That just seems impractical.

So, what is the best order to watch Demon Slayer in? Well, there are a few options. You could go with the chronological order, starting with the first episode and working your way through the series in order. Or, you could opt for the release order, which follows the order in which the episodes were originally aired.

But wait, there's more! If you really want to mix things up, you could try the random order method. Just close your eyes and pick an episode at random, and see where the story takes you. Who knows, maybe you'll stumble upon a hidden gem that you wouldn't have discovered otherwise.

Now, let's talk about the pros and cons of each watch order. The chronological order is great for those who want to experience the story in a linear fashion, with each episode building upon the last. However, some fans argue that this can make the pacing feel slow at times, and the lack of flashbacks can make certain character motivations confusing.

The release order, on the other hand, allows for a more dynamic viewing experience. You get to see the story unfold as it was intended to be seen by the creators, and the flashbacks provide important context for character development. However, some fans argue that this method can be confusing, as the series jumps back and forth between different arcs.

As for the random order method, well, it's definitely the most unpredictable option. You never know what you're going to get, which can be both exciting and frustrating. Some episodes may not make sense without the proper context, while others might spoil major plot points. But hey, if you're feeling adventurous, give it a shot!

Ultimately, the best watch order for Demon Slayer will depend on your personal preferences and viewing style. Whether you choose chronological, release, or random order, just remember to sit back, relax, and enjoy the epic tale of demon slaying and brotherly love.

In conclusion, there is no one right way to watch Demon Slayer. Each watch order has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, and it's up to you to decide which method works best for you. So go forth and slay those demons, my fellow anime enthusiasts!


So, you've heard everyone talking about Demon Slayer and now you want to watch it too? Well, buckle up because this anime is going to take you on one wild ride. But before you start watching, there are a few things you need to know about the Demon Slayer watch order. And trust me, you don't want to mess this up.

The Confusion

One of the biggest issues with the Demon Slayer watch order is that it can be confusing for new viewers. There are different opinions on how to watch the show, and it can be hard to figure out which one is the right one. Some people suggest watching the anime first, while others recommend reading the manga first. So, what should you do?

The Anime-Only Watch Order

If you're planning to watch only the anime, then the watch order is pretty straightforward. You should start with season 1, followed by the movie, Mugen Train, and then season 2. This is the order in which the story unfolds in the anime, and it will give you the best viewing experience.

The Manga-First Watch Order

If you're interested in reading the manga before watching the anime, then the watch order is a bit different. You should start with volume 1 of the manga, followed by volume 7 (which covers the Mugen Train arc), and then continue reading the rest of the manga. Once you've finished reading, you can watch the anime adaptation of the Mugen Train arc and then move on to season 2.

The Movie Dilemma

Now, let's talk about the Mugen Train movie, which is the biggest source of confusion when it comes to the Demon Slayer watch order. The movie is a direct sequel to season 1 and serves as a bridge between season 1 and season 2. Some people argue that the movie should be watched after season 1, while others suggest watching it before starting season 2. So, what should you do?

Watch the Movie First

If you want to watch the movie first, then you should do so before starting season 2. This will give you a better understanding of the events that take place in season 2. However, keep in mind that this might spoil some of the events from season 1.

Watch the Movie After Season 1

If you're someone who doesn't want to spoil anything, then you can watch the movie after season 1. This way, you'll have a better understanding of the events that take place in the movie without spoiling anything from season 2.

Why the Watch Order Matters

You might be wondering why the Demon Slayer watch order is such a big deal. Well, the answer is simple – the story is told in a specific order for a reason. The events that take place in one part of the story directly impact the events that take place in another part. Watching or reading the story out of order can ruin the storytelling experience and leave you feeling confused.

The Bottom Line

So, what's the bottom line when it comes to the Demon Slayer watch order? It all depends on your preferences. If you're planning to watch only the anime, then you should start with season 1, followed by the Mugen Train movie and then season 2. If you're interested in reading the manga, then you should start with volume 1, followed by volume 7 (covering the Mugen Train arc), and then read the rest of the manga before watching the anime adaptation of the Mugen Train arc and moving on to season 2.


In conclusion, the Demon Slayer watch order can be confusing, but it's essential to follow it if you want to get the best experience out of the story. Whether you're planning to watch only the anime or read the manga first, make sure you pay attention to the order in which the story unfolds. Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride – because Demon Slayer is one anime you won't want to miss.

Demon Slayer Watch Order: Let's Slay Your Doubts!

Confused about where to start? Don't worry, I won't demon-ize you for not knowing the watch order. As a fellow anime enthusiast and Demon Slayer fan, I'm here to guide you through the correct watch order. Let's sharpen our swords and dive into the world of Demon Slayer!

The Importance of Following the Watch Order

Don't get lost in the forest of demons, follow this watch order instead. The only thing scarier than a demon is watching this anime out of order. If you're feeling lost, just remember: Tanjiro is your guide. Watching Demon Slayer in the wrong order is like trying to fight a demon with a wooden stick. It's pointless and frustrating.

Don't be a demon and ruin the experience for yourself, watch it in the right order. Tanjiro wouldn't approve of watching this anime without following the correct order. Don't let your watch order be as chaotic as the battle against Muzan.

The Correct Watch Order

Now that we've established the importance of the watch order, let's dive into the correct sequence of episodes and movies:

  1. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Episodes 1-26)
  2. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train (Movie)
  3. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - Entertainment District Arc (Episodes - TBA)

It's as simple as that! By following this order, you'll be able to fully immerse yourself in the world of Demon Slayer and understand the characters' motivations and backstories.

Why the Correct Watch Order Matters

The reason why the watch order matters is that Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train is a direct continuation of the first season. In other words, it's not a standalone movie that you can watch without watching the anime first. The movie picks up right where the first season left off and introduces new characters and plot points that are crucial to the overall story.

The same goes for Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - Entertainment District Arc. This is the second season of the anime and continues the story from where Mugen Train left off. By watching the anime in this order, you'll be able to follow the story arc seamlessly and enjoy the full experience.

In Conclusion

So there you have it, the correct watch order for Demon Slayer. By following this order, you'll be able to fully appreciate the story and characters without feeling lost or confused. Don't let a chaotic watch order ruin the experience for you. Tanjiro and the gang deserve better than that!

Remember, watching Demon Slayer in the right order is crucial to fully immersing yourself in the world of demons and demon slayers. So sharpen your swords, grab some snacks, and enjoy the ride!

Demon Slayer Watch Order: My Point of View

The Pros and Cons of Watching Demon Slayer in Different Orders

As an avid anime fan, I've seen my fair share of shows that are both fantastic and not-so-great. But when it comes to Demon Slayer, I can honestly say that it's one of the best anime series I've ever watched. However, there's been a lot of debate over which order to watch the series in. Here are my thoughts on the pros and cons of each order:

Release Order

Watching in release order means starting with the first season, followed by the movie, and then moving on to the second season. Here's what I think:

  • Pros: This is the order that the creators intended for viewers to watch the series in, so it makes sense to follow it. Plus, you get a better understanding of the story and characters when you watch it in this order.
  • Cons: If you're impatient and want to get to the action right away, you might find the first season a bit slow. Additionally, the movie is only available in theaters, so you'll have to wait until it's released on home video to watch it.

Chronological Order

In chronological order, you start with the movie, followed by the first season, and then move on to the second season. Here's what I think:

  • Pros: If you're someone who likes to see things in chronological order, this is the way to go. You'll also get to see more of the character's backstories if you watch it in this order.
  • Cons: Watching the movie first might spoil some of the surprises in the first season. Plus, the first season might feel disjointed since you're watching it after the movie.

Machete Order

Machete order is a unique way to watch Demon Slayer that involves skipping certain episodes. Here's what I think:

  • Pros: If you're someone who doesn't have a lot of time to watch all of the episodes, this order might be for you. You'll still get to see most of the important parts of the story without having to sit through some of the slower episodes.
  • Cons: Skipping episodes means you might miss out on some character development or important plot points. Plus, this order isn't recommended for first-time viewers who want the full experience.


At the end of the day, the order you choose to watch Demon Slayer in is up to personal preference. However, I would recommend watching it in release order if you have the time and patience. It's the way the creators intended for the series to be watched, and it provides the best overall viewing experience.

Keywords Definition
Demon Slayer An anime series about a boy named Tanjiro who becomes a demon slayer after his family is killed by demons.
Watch Order The order in which you watch a TV show or movie series.
Humorous Voice and Tone The way in which the writer uses humor to convey their point of view or add levity to the discussion.
Pros and Cons The advantages and disadvantages of a particular situation or decision.
Release Order Watching a TV show or movie series in the order in which it was originally released.
Chronological Order Watching a TV show or movie series in the order in which events occur chronologically.
Machete Order A unique way to watch a TV show or movie series that involves skipping certain episodes or films.

So, What Did You Learn From This?

Well, well, well, you've made it to the end of this article! Congratulations, you're now a certified Demon Slayer Watch Order expert!

Let's do a quick recap, shall we? We've learned that there are two ways to watch Demon Slayer: Chronological and Release Order. We've also learned that both orders have their pros and cons, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

If you're a stickler for chronology, then go ahead and watch the series in chronological order. If you're all about the hype and excitement, then release order may be the way to go.

Now, if you're like me, you're probably wondering why there's so much fuss over this. I mean, at the end of the day, it's just an anime, right?


Demon Slayer is more than just an anime. It's a way of life! It's a community! It's...okay, I'm getting a little carried away here. But seriously, this show has captured the hearts of millions, and for good reason.

The characters are lovable, the animation is breathtaking, and the story is engaging. So, whether you choose to watch it in chronological or release order, just make sure you watch it!

And if you're feeling extra adventurous, why not read the manga as well? It's just as good (if not better) than the anime, and it'll give you a deeper understanding of the story.

So, to sum it all up: Watch Demon Slayer, read the manga, and don't forget to support the official release!

Thanks for sticking around until the end of this article. I hope you found it informative (and maybe a little humorous). Now go forth and watch some anime!

Until next time, stay safe and happy watching!

What is the correct Demon Slayer watch order?

People also ask:

1. Should I watch the Demon Slayer movie before the anime series?

No, you should watch the anime series first before watching the movie. The movie takes place after the events of the anime's first season and contains spoilers for it.

2. Can I skip any episodes in the Demon Slayer anime?

No, it's best to watch all the episodes in order to fully understand the story and character development.

3. Is there a recommended order for watching the Demon Slayer anime and manga?

Yes, it's recommended to watch the anime series first and then read the manga if you want to continue with the story.


So, you want to know the correct Demon Slayer watch order? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Here's everything you need to know:

  • Start with the anime series - it's the best way to get into the story and understand the characters.
  • Watch all the episodes in order - don't skip any, as they all contribute to the overall plot.
  • After finishing the anime series, watch the Demon Slayer movie - it takes place after the events of the first season.
  • If you want to continue with the story, read the manga - but make sure you've watched the anime series first, as the manga picks up where the anime left off.

Remember, there's no rush to finish the series - take your time and enjoy the journey! Happy watching!