The Ultimate Guide to Watching Star Wars Movies in Chronological Order | Ideal Viewing Sequence Explained


Discover the perfect viewing order for the Star Wars saga! Follow the epic journey in chronological order and experience the galaxy far, far away.

Are you ready to embark on an intergalactic journey through the Star Wars universe? Well, hold onto your lightsabers because we've got the ultimate guide to watching the Star Wars movies in order. No, we're not talking about watching them in the order they were released. That's too easy. We're talking about watching them in chronological order - starting with Episode I and ending with Episode IX. And if you're thinking, But wait, what about the spin-offs? Don't worry, we've got you covered. So, grab some popcorn and get ready for a wild ride through a galaxy far, far away.

First up, we have Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Yes, we know this movie gets a lot of hate, but hear us out. It introduces us to some key players in the Star Wars universe, including young Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and of course, the infamous Darth Maul. Plus, it's the first movie in the chronological order, so you kind of have to watch it.

Next, we have Episode II - Attack of the Clones. This movie has everything: romance, political intrigue, and a whole lot of Jedi action. Plus, we get to see Anakin slowly turn to the dark side, which sets up the events of the next movie perfectly.

Speaking of the next movie, we have Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. This is where all the pieces start to come together. Anakin fully embraces the dark side and becomes Darth Vader, the Republic falls, and the Empire rises. Oh, and there's that epic battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin on Mustafar. Need we say more?

Now, it's time for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. This spin-off takes place just before the events of Episode IV and follows a group of rebels as they attempt to steal the plans for the Death Star. It's a gritty, action-packed movie that adds some much-needed depth to the Star Wars universe.

And finally, we have Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. This is where it all began. We meet Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and the rest of the gang as they attempt to take down the Empire and save the galaxy. Plus, we get to see the iconic Death Star trench run and hear one of the most famous lines in movie history: May the Force be with you.

Next up is Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back. Many consider this to be the best Star Wars movie ever made, and for good reason. It's darker, more complex, and has one of the greatest plot twists in movie history. Plus, we get to see Yoda in action for the first time.

Now, we have Episode VI - Return of the Jedi. This movie wraps up the original trilogy nicely, with our heroes taking on the Empire one last time and Vader finally redeeming himself. Oh, and let's not forget about those cute little Ewoks.

Jumping ahead a few decades, we have Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens. This is where we meet a new generation of heroes, including Rey, Finn, and Poe Dameron, as they attempt to stop the First Order from taking over the galaxy. Plus, we get to see Han and Chewie back in action.

Next, we have Episode VIII - The Last Jedi. This movie is controversial among fans, but we think it's a worthy addition to the Star Wars saga. It's darker, more introspective, and has some amazing visuals and action sequences. Plus, we get to see Luke Skywalker back in action.

And finally, we have Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker. This movie wraps up the sequel trilogy and the entire Skywalker saga. It's a bit messy and rushed, but it provides closure for all our favorite characters and has some epic moments that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

Well, there you have it - the ultimate guide to watching the Star Wars movies in order. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the galaxy far, far away, we guarantee this viewing order will provide you with hours of entertainment. So, may the Force be with you as you embark on this epic journey through the Star Wars universe.


Hey there, fellow Star Wars fans! Are you ready to embark on an epic journey through the galaxy far, far away? Well, hold on to your lightsabers because we're about to go through all the Star Wars movies in order to watch. Buckle up, we're in for a wild ride!

The Original Trilogy: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi

Let's start with the classics. You can't call yourself a true Star Wars fan if you haven't seen the original trilogy. This is where it all began, where we were first introduced to Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, and the iconic villain Darth Vader. A New Hope is where we meet our heroes, as they band together to take down the evil Empire. The Empire Strikes Back is where things get real - Vader reveals his true identity, and our heroes suffer some pretty significant losses. And finally, Return of the Jedi sees the ultimate showdown between good and evil, as Luke confronts Vader and attempts to turn him back to the light side.

Why You Should Watch Them First

It's simple - the original trilogy is the foundation of the entire Star Wars universe. These movies set up the characters, the conflict, and the overall mythology that the rest of the franchise is built upon. Without the original trilogy, the prequels and sequels wouldn't exist. Plus, it's just plain fun to see where it all started.

The Prequel Trilogy: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith

Now, let's move on to the prequel trilogy. Many fans have mixed feelings about these movies, but love them or hate them, they're an important part of the Star Wars saga. The Phantom Menace introduces us to a young Anakin Skywalker, as well as the Jedi Order at the height of their power. Attack of the Clones sees the beginnings of the Clone Wars and Anakin's descent into darkness. Revenge of the Sith is where things get dark - we see the fall of the Jedi and the rise of the Empire, as Anakin becomes Darth Vader.

Why You Should Watch Them Second

While the prequels aren't as beloved as the original trilogy, they still provide important context for the overall story. We get to see the origins of Darth Vader, as well as the downfall of the Jedi. Plus, there are some pretty epic lightsaber duels in these movies.

The Sequel Trilogy: The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker

Finally, we have the most recent addition to the Star Wars canon - the sequel trilogy. These movies take place several years after the events of Return of the Jedi and introduce us to a new generation of heroes and villains.The Force Awakens introduces us to Rey, Finn, and Poe, as they team up with some familiar faces to take on the First Order. The Last Jedi sees our heroes facing even greater challenges, as they grapple with the legacy of the Jedi and the power of the Force. The Rise of Skywalker brings the saga to a close, as our heroes face off against the ultimate evil once and for all.

Why You Should Watch Them Last

The sequel trilogy is a great way to wrap up the entire Star Wars saga, but it's important to watch them in order. There are plenty of callbacks to the original trilogy and the prequels, and watching them out of order might lead to confusion. Plus, it's just more satisfying to see the conclusion of the story after you've seen everything that came before.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

While not technically part of the main saga, Rogue One is still an important part of the overall Star Wars universe. This movie takes place just before the events of A New Hope and tells the story of the rebels who stole the plans for the Death Star.

Why You Should Watch It

Rogue One provides important context for the events of A New Hope, and it's just a really solid movie in its own right. The characters are great, the action is intense, and it's a nice change of pace from the main saga.

Solo: A Star Wars Story

Like Rogue One, Solo is a standalone movie that takes place outside of the main saga. This movie tells the story of a young Han Solo and his adventures before he became the smuggler we all know and love.

Why You Should Watch It

While some fans were skeptical about the idea of a Han Solo origin story, Solo actually turned out to be a pretty fun movie. It's not essential viewing, but if you're a fan of the character or just looking for something to watch after you've gone through the main saga, it's worth a watch.


And there you have it - the complete guide to watching the Star Wars movies in order. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the galaxy far, far away, this should give you everything you need to know to dive into the franchise. May the Force be with you!

The Force is Strong with This One: Why You Should Watch Star Wars in Order

If you're a fan of Star Wars, you know that the series is one of the most iconic and beloved franchises in movie history. With its epic battles, memorable characters, and incredible storytelling, it's no wonder why fans have been captivated by this universe for over four decades. But if you're new to the franchise or just looking to revisit the series, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. Do you watch the movies in release order or chronological order? Do you include the spin-off films like Rogue One and Solo? Fear not, young Padawan, for we have the answer: you should watch the Star Wars movies in order of release date. Here's why:

A New Hope: Starting with the Original Trilogy

The first Star Wars movie ever made was A New Hope, released in 1977. It introduced us to Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Darth Vader, and the rest of the gang. Watching this movie first will give you a solid foundation for the rest of the series. It sets up the conflict between the Rebels and the Empire, introduces the concept of the Force, and gives us some of the most iconic scenes in movie history, like the opening crawl and the Death Star trench run. Plus, who doesn't love a good old-fashioned hero's journey?

The Empire Strikes Back: Is it Really the Best One?

Some may argue that The Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie ever made, and it's hard to disagree. This movie takes everything that was great about A New Hope and cranks it up to eleven. We get to see Luke train with Yoda, Han and Leia's love story develops, and we learn the shocking truth about Darth Vader's past. It also has arguably the greatest plot twist in movie history. Watching this movie second will give you a deeper understanding of the characters and their motivations. Plus, it's just really, really good.

Return of the Jedi: Ewoks and the End of an Era

The original trilogy comes to a close with Return of the Jedi, released in 1983. This movie gives us the final showdown between the Rebels and the Empire, as well as the redemption of Darth Vader. It's also the movie that gave us the Ewoks, those cute yet polarizing creatures that either make your heart melt or your eyes roll. Watching this movie third will give you closure for the original trilogy and set up the next phase of the Star Wars saga.

The Prequels: Love Them or Hate Them, They’re a Must-Watch

Now we come to the prequel trilogy, released in the late 90s and early 2000s. These movies have been the subject of much debate among Star Wars fans, with some loving them for their world-building and others hating them for their clunky dialogue and overuse of CGI. But regardless of your opinion, they are a must-watch if you want to understand the full story of the Star Wars universe.

The Phantom Menace: Jar Jar Binks, Enough Said

We start with The Phantom Menace, released in 1999. This movie introduces us to young Anakin Skywalker, who will eventually become Darth Vader, as well as new characters like Qui-Gon Jinn and Padme Amidala. But let's be real, the only thing anyone remembers from this movie is Jar Jar Binks, the bumbling Gungan who either makes you laugh or makes you want to throw your popcorn at the screen. Watching this movie fourth will give you a taste of what's to come in the prequels.

Attack of the Clones: Anakin Skywalker’s Cringe-Worthy Romance

Next up is Attack of the Clones, released in 2002. This movie sees Anakin Skywalker growing up and falling in love with Padme, but their romance is about as believable as a Wookiee wearing a tutu. It also introduces us to the Clone Wars, which will play a major role in the next movie. Watching this movie fifth will make you appreciate the original trilogy even more.

Revenge of the Sith: The Tragic Fall of Darth Vader

We end the prequel trilogy with Revenge of the Sith, released in 2005. This movie shows us the tragic fall of Anakin Skywalker and his transformation into Darth Vader. It also sets up the events of the original trilogy, as we see the birth of Luke and Leia and the rise of the Empire. Watching this movie sixth will make you want to go back and re-watch the original trilogy to see how it all fits together.

The Sequel Trilogy: A New Generation of Heroes and Villains

The sequel trilogy takes place after the events of Return of the Jedi and introduces us to a new generation of heroes and villains.

The Rise of Skywalker: Wrapping Up the Saga with a Bang (and a Few Plot Holes)

The final movie in the Star Wars saga is The Rise of Skywalker, released in 2019. This movie wraps up the story of Rey, Finn, and Poe as they battle the remnants of the Empire and confront the truth about their pasts. It's a satisfying conclusion to the series, although some fans have criticized it for its plot holes and rushed pacing. Watching this movie last will give you closure for the entire saga and leave you feeling nostalgic for the movies that started it all.

In conclusion, watching the Star Wars movies in order of release date is the best way to experience the series. It gives you a solid foundation for the story, introduces you to the characters in the order they were intended, and allows you to appreciate the evolution of the franchise over time. So grab some popcorn, turn off your phone, and get ready to journey to a galaxy far, far away.

The Definitive Guide to Watching Star Wars Movies


So you've finally decided to take the plunge and watch all the Star Wars movies. Congratulations, you're about to embark on an epic journey through a galaxy far, far away. But before you start binging, it's important to know the best order to watch the movies in. Should you go in release order? Chronological order? Machete order? Let's break it down.

Release Order

Pros: This is the order in which the movies were released, so it's the way most people experienced the franchise for the first time. It allows you to see how the series evolved over time and appreciate the groundbreaking special effects of the original trilogy.

Cons: You have to suffer through the prequels before you get to the good stuff.

Chronological Order

Pros: This order presents the story in chronological order, so you get to see how everything fits together. You also get to start with the prequels and end with the sequels, which some fans prefer.

Cons: The original trilogy gets a little less impactful because you already know what's going to happen. Plus, starting with Episode I can be a daunting task.

Machete Order

Pros: This order is a fan-favorite and presents the movies in a unique way. It starts with Episode IV, then goes back to the prequels before finishing with Episode V and VI. This order allows you to experience the original trilogy without any spoilers or prequel fatigue, while also giving context to Anakin's fall to the dark side.

Cons: It's not the traditional way to watch the movies, which could be jarring for some viewers. Plus, it skips Episode I entirely, which may bother completionists.


So which order is the best? It ultimately depends on your personal preference. If you're a purist, go with release order. If you want to see everything in chronological order, go for it. But if you want a unique viewing experience, give Machete order a try. No matter which way you choose, just remember to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

Table Information:

Here's a breakdown of the different orders:

  1. Release Order
    • Episode IV: A New Hope
    • Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
    • Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
    • Episode I: The Phantom Menace
    • Episode II: Attack of the Clones
    • Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
    • Episode VII: The Force Awakens
    • Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
    • Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
  2. Chronological Order
    • Episode I: The Phantom Menace
    • Episode II: Attack of the Clones
    • Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
    • Solo: A Star Wars Story
    • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
    • Episode IV: A New Hope
    • Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
    • Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
    • Episode VII: The Force Awakens
    • Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
    • Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
  3. Machete Order
    • Episode IV: A New Hope
    • Episode I: The Phantom Menace (optional)
    • Episode II: Attack of the Clones
    • Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
    • Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
    • Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
    • Episode VII: The Force Awakens
    • Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
    • Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

Closing Message: May the Force Be With You

Well, that’s it folks! We’ve come to the end of our journey through the Star Wars movies in order to watch. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. If you’re a Star Wars fan, then you know what I mean when I say that this is more than just a series of movies. It’s a way of life.

If you’re new to the franchise, then welcome to the club! It can be overwhelming to figure out where to start, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. By following this order, you’ll get to experience the story in the most logical and satisfying way possible.

Now, let me just say that this list is not set in stone. There are different opinions on how to watch the movies, and that’s totally fine. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what works best for you. The important thing is that you enjoy the ride.

Before we part ways, let’s recap the order:

- Episode I: The Phantom Menace

- Episode II: Attack of the Clones

- Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

- Solo: A Star Wars Story

- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

- Episode IV: A New Hope

- Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

- Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

- Episode VII: The Force Awakens

- Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

- Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

Phew! That’s a lot of movies. But trust me, it’s worth it. You’ll get to see the epic story of the Skywalker family unfold, as well as meet some of the most beloved characters in cinematic history.

And if you’re still not convinced, let me just remind you of one thing: lightsabers. Need I say more?

So, whether you’re a Jedi or a Sith, a Rebel or an Imperial, I hope this list has helped you in your quest to watch the Star Wars movies in order. And remember, no matter what order you choose, may the Force be with you always.

Thanks for reading!

People Also Ask About Star Wars Movies In Order To Watch

What order should I watch the Star Wars movies in?

There are different opinions on the matter, but here are the most common ways to watch:

  • Release order: Start with Episode IV (1977) and finish with Episode IX (2019).
  • Chronological order: Start with Episode I (1999) and finish with Episode IX (2019).
  • Machete order: Start with Episode IV, then watch V, II, III, VI, and finally VII-IX. This order aims to preserve the plot twists and character arcs while minimizing Jar Jar Binks.

Do I need to watch the prequels?

That depends on how much you love Darth Vader and want to understand his backstory. If you're not a fan of politics, trade disputes, and midichlorians, you can skip them and still enjoy the original trilogy and the sequels.

What about the spin-offs like Rogue One and Solo?

Those are optional, but they add more depth and context to the main saga. Rogue One is set just before Episode IV and shows how the rebels got the Death Star plans. Solo is a prequel to Episode IV and shows how Han Solo became the scruffy-looking nerf herder we know and love.

Can I watch The Mandalorian without watching the movies?

Yes, you can. The Mandalorian takes place after Episode VI and has its own self-contained story. However, you might appreciate some of the cameos and references more if you're familiar with the Star Wars universe.

Why are there so many Star Wars movies?

Because George Lucas created a vast and beloved universe that inspired generations of fans and filmmakers. Also, because Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4 billion and wants to recoup its investment by making more movies, TV shows, comics, books, toys, and theme park attractions. But mostly because lightsabers are cool.