Troubleshooting Guide: How to Fix Your Apple Watch That Won't Turn On


Is your Apple Watch refusing to turn on? Check out our troubleshooting tips and tricks to get your device up and running again.

Oh boy, here we go again. Another day, another gadget that refuses to cooperate. Yes, you guessed it right - the Apple Watch won't turn on! You might be thinking, But I charged it all night! or Why, oh why, is this happening to me? Well, fret not dear reader, for we are here to help you troubleshoot your beloved timepiece.

Firstly, let's take a deep breath and try to remain calm. Panicking never helps anyone, trust us. Now, let's see if the watch is actually charged. Sometimes, the charging cable might not be connected properly, or the power outlet might be faulty. So, check that first and make sure the watch is indeed fully charged.

If the watch is charged, but still won't turn on, then it might be stuck in Power Reserve mode. This happens when the battery level drops to a critically low level. To exit Power Reserve mode, press and hold the side button until you see the Apple logo appear on the screen.

Another reason why your Apple Watch won't turn on could be due to a software glitch. In that case, try resetting the device by pressing and holding both the side button and the digital crown until the Apple logo appears. This should hopefully reboot the watch and fix any software issues.

If resetting the watch doesn't work, then it might be time to try restoring it using iTunes. Connect the watch to your computer, open iTunes, and click on the Apple Watch icon. From there, you can choose to restore the watch to its factory settings and start anew.

But wait, before you do that, have you tried force restarting the watch? This is done by pressing and holding the side button and the digital crown simultaneously for at least 10 seconds. If this works, then the watch should reboot and function normally.

Still no luck? Okay, let's try a different approach. Maybe the watch is not turning on because of a hardware issue. In that case, you might need to take it to an Apple Store or authorized service provider for repairs. Depending on the extent of the damage, this could be costly, so it's always better to check if the watch is still under warranty before taking any drastic measures.

Before we end this troubleshooting session, let's quickly recap the steps we've covered so far. To fix an Apple Watch that won't turn on:

  • Check if it's charged
  • Exit Power Reserve mode
  • Reset the device
  • Restore using iTunes
  • Force restart the watch
  • Take it to an authorized service provider

Phew! That was quite a ride, wasn't it? We hope that at least one of these solutions worked for you and that your Apple Watch is back up and running. Just remember, when all else fails, take a deep breath and seek professional help. After all, it's just a gadget, not the end of the world. Happy troubleshooting!


So, you've got yourself an Apple Watch and it won't turn on? Oh no! Don't worry, though, it's not like anyone actually needs to be able to tell time or receive messages on their wrist. Nope, not at all. But hey, since you're here, let's see if we can figure out what's going on with your watch and get it back up and running.

The Obvious:

First things first, have you tried turning it off and on again? I know, I know, it's a cliché, but sometimes it really does work. Press and hold the Side Button until the Power Off slider appears, then drag it to the right. Once it's off, press and hold the Side Button again until the Apple logo appears. If that doesn't work, don't worry, we've got more troubleshooting to do.

Check the Battery:

It may seem obvious, but have you checked the battery level? To do this, press and hold the Side Button until the Power Off slider appears, then release the button. If your watch has enough battery, you'll see the time displayed. If not, you'll see a low battery icon. If you see the low battery icon, charge your watch and try turning it on again once it's charged.

Check the Charger:

Speaking of charging, have you checked the charger? Make sure the charger is plugged into a power source and that the watch is properly seated on the charger. If the charger isn't working, try using a different charger or plugging it into a different power source.

Reset Your Watch:

If none of the above solutions work, it's time to reset your watch. To do this, press and hold both the Side Button and Digital Crown for at least 10 seconds. Keep holding the buttons until you see the Apple logo appear on the screen. Once your watch has reset, try turning it on again.

Update Your Watch:

If resetting your watch didn't work, try updating your watch's software. To do this, make sure your iPhone is connected to Wi-Fi and make sure your watch is at least 50% charged. Open the Watch app on your iPhone, go to General > Software Update, and follow the on-screen instructions to update your watch's software. Once the update is complete, try turning your watch on again.

Check for Physical Damage:

If your watch still won't turn on, it's possible that there's physical damage to the watch. Check for any cracks or damage to the screen or body of the watch. If you see any damage, take your watch to an Apple Store or authorized repair center to have it repaired.

Get Help from Apple:

If none of these solutions work, it's time to reach out to Apple for help. You can contact Apple support online, over the phone, or in person at an Apple Store or authorized repair center. They'll be able to help you troubleshoot the issue and get your watch back up and running.


So, there you have it. If your Apple Watch won't turn on, don't panic. There are a number of things you can try to get it back up and running. From checking the obvious solutions like the battery and charger, to resetting your watch and updating its software, to checking for physical damage and getting help from Apple, there are plenty of options. Just remember, even if your watch won't turn on, the world will keep spinning. But hey, who needs to know what time it is anyway?

The Apple Watch that thinks it's a potato

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When your Apple Watch takes a nap and refuses to wake up

It's not uncommon for technology to have a mind of its own, but when your Apple Watch decides to take a nap and refuse to wake up, it can be frustrating. You may feel like giving it a swift kick, but that's probably not the best solution. So, what should you do?

The stubborn Apple Watch that won't budge

If your Apple Watch won't turn on, it could be due to a variety of reasons. Maybe it's low on battery, maybe it needs a software update, or maybe it just needs a break. Whatever the reason, it's important to understand that your Apple Watch is a complex piece of technology that requires a bit of patience and understanding.

Siri's day off: What to do when your Apple Watch won't turn on

When your Apple Watch won't turn on, it's easy to panic and assume the worst. But before you start planning a funeral for your favorite accessory, there are a few things you can try. First, check the battery level. If it's low, charge it up and see if that does the trick. If that doesn't work, try restarting your watch by holding down both the side button and the Digital Crown at the same time until the Apple logo appears. If all else fails, it may be time to contact Apple support or take your watch to a professional.

The lazy Apple Watch that needs a kick in the…screen

Let's face it, sometimes our gadgets can be a little lazy. They need a push, a shove, or even a kick to get them going again. But before you resort to violence, try some of the troubleshooting steps mentioned above. Your Apple Watch may just need a little extra love and attention.

The Apple Watch that went on strike

It's not uncommon for devices to go on strike when they're feeling overworked or underappreciated. Your Apple Watch may be trying to tell you something, like it needs a break or a software update. Listen to your watch, take care of it, and it will take care of you.

What your Apple Watch really means when it says 'Low Power Mode'

If you've ever seen the 'Low Power Mode' message pop up on your Apple Watch, you may be wondering what it really means. Essentially, it's a way for your watch to conserve battery life by disabling certain features and functions. If you're running low on battery, enabling Low Power Mode can help extend the life of your watch until you can charge it up again.

The Apple Watch that's just not feeling it today

Some days, we just don't feel like getting out of bed. The same goes for our devices, including our Apple Watches. If your watch is acting a little sluggish or unresponsive, it may just need a day off. Give it some time to rest and recharge, and it should be back to its old self in no time.

When your Apple Watch is more tired than you are

We all have those days where we feel like we could sleep for days on end. The same goes for our gadgets, including the Apple Watch. If your watch is feeling tired or sluggish, it may be time to give it a break. Try turning it off and leaving it alone for a few hours, and see if that helps.

The Apple Watch that's taking a sick day (or week)

Just like humans, technology can get sick too. If your Apple Watch is experiencing issues that can't be fixed by a simple restart or update, it may be time to take it to the doctor (aka Apple support). They can diagnose the issue and provide a solution, whether it's a repair or a replacement. Don't worry, your watch will be back to its old self in no time.

So, the next time your Apple Watch won't turn on, don't panic. Take a deep breath, try some of the troubleshooting steps above, and remember that your watch is a valuable tool that requires a bit of TLC. With patience and understanding, you and your Apple Watch can conquer any challenge that comes your way.

Why Won't My Apple Watch Turn On?

The Pros of Apple Watch Not Turning On:

  • You don't have to worry about checking your notifications every five seconds.
  • Your wrist won't feel like it's being weighed down by a small computer.
  • You can finally take a break from constantly tracking your fitness goals.

The Cons of Apple Watch Not Turning On:

  1. You can't check the time without pulling out your phone like a peasant.
  2. You won't be able to track your steps and feel superior to your friends who don't have an Apple Watch.
  3. You'll miss out on all the other cool features like making calls, sending texts, and using Siri.

Let's face it, not being able to turn on your Apple Watch can be frustrating. But instead of getting angry, let's look at the bright side.

Maybe this is the universe telling you that you need a break from technology. Take a walk outside, talk to real people, and enjoy the world around you without the constant distraction of notifications.

Or maybe your Apple Watch is just tired and needs a nap. Give it some time to recharge and it will be back to annoying you in no time.

Either way, don't stress too much about it. It's just a watch, after all.

Keywords Definition
Apple Watch A smartwatch created by Apple Inc. that can be used to make calls, send texts, track fitness goals, and more.
Notifications Alerts sent to your device to inform you of new information or updates.
Fitness Goals A target set by an individual to achieve a certain level of physical fitness or health.
Siri An intelligent personal assistant developed by Apple that can help with tasks like sending messages, making calls, and setting reminders.

No Power, No Problem: A Guide to Reviving Your Apple Watch

Hello there, dear readers! We have come to the end of our journey together where we discovered how to fix a common problem with our beloved Apple Watch – the dreaded “won't turn on” issue. But before we part ways, let us leave you with a closing message that will hopefully put a smile on your face.

Firstly, we want to commend you for seeking help in reviving your Apple Watch. It takes courage to admit that we need assistance, and it's a sign of strength to take action towards resolving any issues. We hope that this guide has helped you in some way, and that you can now enjoy using your Apple Watch again.

Secondly, we want to remind you that technology is not perfect. As much as we love our gadgets, they can sometimes fail us. But fear not, for there is always a solution to every problem. So, the next time you encounter an issue with your Apple Watch, don't panic – just refer back to this guide, or seek help from Apple support.

Thirdly, we want to applaud your patience and perseverance throughout this process. We know that it can be frustrating when our devices don't work as they should, but you didn't give up. You took the time to troubleshoot and follow the steps, and that's something to be proud of.

Fourthly, we want to share with you a little secret – laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes, when things don't go as planned, the best thing we can do is to laugh it off. After all, life is too short to be serious all the time. So, if you find yourself in a similar situation in the future, remember to approach it with a sense of humour.

Fifthly, we want to encourage you to take good care of your Apple Watch. Just like any other valuable possession, it requires proper maintenance and care to ensure its longevity. So, make sure to keep it clean, avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures, and charge it regularly.

Sixthly, we want to express our gratitude for allowing us to be a part of your journey. We hope that you have learned something new from this guide, and that it has made a positive impact on your life.

Seventhly, we want to remind you that you are not alone. There are millions of Apple Watch users out there who have faced similar issues, and there will always be someone who can help. So, don't hesitate to reach out to the community for support.

Eighthly, we want to leave you with a quote that we hope will inspire you – “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs. We believe that if you approach every task with passion and enthusiasm, you will achieve great things.

Ninthly, we want to wish you all the best in your future endeavours. May your Apple Watch continue to serve you well, and may you always find joy in using it.

Tenthly, we want to say goodbye for now, but not forever. We hope to see you again soon, and that you will continue to visit our blog for more helpful tips and guides.

Thank you for reading, and remember – stay curious, stay adventurous, and stay tech-savvy!

People Also Ask About Apple Watch Won't Turn On

Why won't my Apple Watch turn on?

There could be several reasons why your Apple Watch won't turn on, including:

  • The battery is completely drained.
  • The charger is not working properly.
  • There is a software issue with the watch.
  • There is damage to the watch that is preventing it from turning on.

What should I do if my Apple Watch won't turn on?

If your Apple Watch won't turn on, don't panic! Here are a few things you can try:

  1. Make sure the charger is plugged in and working properly.
  2. Try resetting your Apple Watch by holding down both the side button and Digital Crown for at least 10 seconds.
  3. If your watch still won't turn on, contact Apple Support for further assistance.

How can I prevent my Apple Watch from not turning on?

To prevent your Apple Watch from not turning on, make sure to:

  • Charge your watch regularly to ensure the battery doesn't completely drain.
  • Handle your watch with care to avoid damaging it.
  • Update your watch's software regularly to avoid any software issues.

Remember, when all else fails, just give your Apple Watch a good old-fashioned whack. It may not turn it on, but it will sure feel satisfying!