Watch Me Before You Online: Stream the Romantic Drama with Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin.


Watch Me Before You, a heartwarming romantic drama about a young woman who falls in love with a paralyzed man. Based on the novel by Jojo Moyes.

If you're looking for a tear-jerking romance that will leave you feeling all the emotions, then Watch Me Before You is the movie for you. This film has it all: love, heartbreak, laughter, and tears. From the very beginning, you'll be hooked on the story of Louisa Clark and Will Traynor.

As soon as we're introduced to Louisa, we know she's not your average leading lady. With her quirky sense of style and her off-beat personality, she's a breath of fresh air in a world of cookie-cutter rom-com heroines. But when she takes on a job as a caregiver for Will, a quadriplegic who's lost his will to live, we see a new side of her. She's determined to bring him out of his shell and show him that life is still worth living.

Of course, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Will is stubborn and resistant to Louisa's efforts to cheer him up. He's bitter about his condition and resentful of the life he used to have. But as the two of them spend more time together, they begin to open up to each other. Louisa learns about Will's past and the things that led him to his current state. And Will starts to see that there might be more to life than he thought.

One of the things that makes this movie so special is the chemistry between the two leads. Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin have an undeniable spark that lights up the screen. Their banter is witty and charming, and their more emotional scenes are absolutely gut-wrenching. You'll find yourself rooting for them from the very beginning.

But this isn't just a love story. It's also a story about disability and the challenges that come with it. Will's struggles are portrayed in a realistic and sensitive way, and the movie doesn't shy away from the difficult questions that his condition raises. It's a reminder that everyone deserves to live a full and fulfilling life, no matter what their circumstances may be.

And let's not forget about the supporting cast. From Louisa's quirky family to Will's overbearing mother, every character in this movie is memorable and well-drawn. You'll find yourself laughing at their antics one minute and crying at their heartbreak the next.

In the end, Watch Me Before You is a movie that will stay with you long after the credits roll. It's a beautiful, heartbreaking, and ultimately uplifting story about love, loss, and the power of the human spirit. So grab your tissues and prepare to be moved.

The Movie that Made Me Cry Like a Baby

I recently watched the movie Me Before You and I must say, it was an emotional rollercoaster. As a self-proclaimed tough guy, I thought I could handle any movie plot without shedding a tear. But boy, was I wrong! This movie had me crying like a baby from start to finish. Here are my thoughts on this heart-wrenching movie.

Meet Louisa Clark

The movie revolves around the life of Louisa Clark, played by Emilia Clarke. She is a quirky, optimistic girl who lives in a small town and has just lost her job. Desperate for work, she takes up a job as a caregiver for Will Traynor, played by Sam Claflin, who is paralyzed from the neck down due to an accident.

The Bittersweet Love Story

Louisa and Will's relationship starts off rocky, but soon they develop a unique bond. Will, who is a former banker, is bitter about his condition and has given up on life. But Louisa's cheerful personality slowly begins to break through his walls, and they both fall in love. However, their love story is bittersweet as Will has made a decision that will change both their lives forever.

Why I Fell in Love with Louisa

Louisa's character is what made the movie for me. Her quirky fashion sense and infectious smile were a breath of fresh air. She was always positive, even in the face of adversity. Her love for life was contagious, and she was able to bring out the best in Will. Her character arc throughout the movie was inspiring, and she taught me the importance of living life to the fullest.

Will Traynor's Character Development

Will's character development was also noteworthy. At the start of the movie, he was bitter and angry about his condition. But as he spends more time with Louisa, he learns to appreciate life and to make the most of the time he has left. His journey is heart-wrenching, and his decision at the end of the movie left me in tears.

The Tear-Jerking Ending

The ending of the movie is what had me bawling my eyes out. It was a beautiful and tragic end to an emotional rollercoaster of a movie. I won't spoil it for those who haven't watched it, but be sure to have a box of tissues handy.

The Importance of Living Life to the Fullest

One of the main themes of the movie is the importance of living life to the fullest. Will's accident made him appreciate life more, and he wanted Louisa to experience everything she could. Louisa's character also learns this lesson and takes it to heart. The movie reminded me that life is short, and we should make the most of it while we can.

The Soundtrack

The soundtrack of the movie was also noteworthy. Each song perfectly captured the emotions of the scene it was used in. The standout track for me was Photograph by Ed Sheeran. The lyrics matched the bittersweet love story perfectly and added to the emotional impact of the movie.

The Movie vs. The Book

As with any book-to-movie adaptation, there were some differences between the movie and the book. While the movie stayed true to the core plotline, some scenes were modified or omitted. However, I felt that the changes made to the movie only enhanced the emotional impact of the story.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Me Before You is a beautiful and emotional movie that left me in tears. The characters were well-developed, and the love story was both heartwarming and heartbreaking. The soundtrack added to the emotional impact of the movie, and the message of living life to the fullest was inspiring. If you haven't watched it yet, be sure to have a box of tissues handy.

The One Movie That Will Make You Ugly Cry

Listen up, folks. If you're in need of a good cry, I've got the movie for you. Watch Me Before You is guaranteed to turn you into a snotty, sobbing mess by the end. And let me tell you, it's worth it.

Emilia Clarke's Eyebrows Deserve an Oscar Nomination

First things first, can we talk about Emilia Clarke's eyebrows in this movie? They are on point. Like, seriously, they deserve their own award. But in all seriousness, Clarke's performance as Louisa Clark is incredible. She brings so much heart and humor to the role, and her chemistry with co-star Sam Claflin is off the charts.

Sam Claflin Is Officially the King of Tear-Jerking Romances

Speaking of Sam Claflin, can we give this man a round of applause? He has officially cemented his status as the king of tear-jerking romances. His portrayal of Will Traynor, a quadriplegic who hires Louisa as his caregiver, is nuanced and heartbreaking. The scenes between Clarke and Claflin are electric, and I dare you not to feel all the emotions.

If You Don't Like This Movie, You May Need a Heart Transplant

Okay, I know this movie isn't for everyone. Some people might find it too sappy or melodramatic. But if that's the case, I'm sorry, you may need a heart transplant. Because Watch Me Before You is the kind of movie that will make you feel all the feels. It's a story about love, loss, and living life to the fullest, and it's executed brilliantly.

Bring Tissues and a Snack, You'll Be Here for a While

One word of advice: bring tissues. And maybe a snack. This movie is a bit of a marathon, clocking in at just over two hours. But trust me, you won't be bored. The story moves along at a steady pace, and the supporting cast (including Jenna Coleman and Charles Dance) add depth and humor to the proceedings.

Warning: You'll Fall in Love With Emilia Clarke's Yellow Tights

Okay, one more thing about Emilia Clarke. Her wardrobe in this movie is amazing. Specifically, her yellow tights. I'm not even kidding, they are so cute and quirky and I want a pair. But I digress. The point is, Watch Me Before You is visually stunning, with gorgeous locations and costumes.

Why Lou and Will's Relationship Is More Complicated Than Your Math Homework

At its core, Watch Me Before You is a love story. But it's not your typical rom-com fare. Lou and Will's relationship is more complicated than your freshman algebra class. They come from different worlds and have different priorities, and the fact that Will is paralyzed adds another layer of complexity. But despite all the odds, they fall in love, and it's a beautiful thing to watch.

The Soundtrack Will Haunt You for Days (But in a Good Way)

Let's talk about the soundtrack for a minute. It's hauntingly beautiful, with songs from Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons, and The 1975. But fair warning, you may find yourself humming these tunes for days afterward. I know I did.

Forget The Notebook, Watch Me Before You Is the Ultimate Love Story

I'm just going to say it: Watch Me Before You is better than The Notebook. Yeah, I said it. While I love me some Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, Lou and Will's story just hits me in all the right places. It's a modern-day fairytale, with a bittersweet ending that will leave you thinking about it for days afterward.

If You're Not Sobbing by the End, You May Be a Robot

In conclusion, Watch Me Before You is the ultimate tearjerker. If you're not sobbing by the end, you may be a robot. But even if you're not a big crier, I still recommend giving this movie a chance. It's funny, romantic, and heartbreaking all at once, and it's a film that will stay with you long after the credits roll.

Watch Me Before You: A Humorous Take

My Point of View

Let me just start off by saying that I absolutely loved watching Me Before You. It was emotional, heart-warming, and just an overall great movie. However, I couldn't help but have a few thoughts about the movie that made me chuckle a bit. Here are my pros and cons:

The Pros

  1. The chemistry between Louisa Clark (Emilia Clarke) and Will Traynor (Sam Claflin) was undeniable. They were both amazing in their roles and really brought their characters to life.
  2. The movie tackled a very sensitive topic - disability - and did it with grace and respect. It showed how people with disabilities can still live fulfilling lives and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
  3. The soundtrack was on point. From Ed Sheeran's Photograph to Imagine Dragons' Not Today, each song complemented the scenes perfectly and added an extra layer of emotion.
  4. The ending was bittersweet, but it was the perfect way to wrap up the story. It left me feeling satisfied and emotionally drained.

The Cons

  • As much as I loved Louisa's quirky fashion sense, her outfits were sometimes too much. I mean, who wears a bumblebee tights with a floral dress?
  • Will's parents were a bit too overbearing for my liking. I understand that they wanted what was best for their son, but their constant nagging and pushing was a bit much.
  • The fact that Will had to die in order for Louisa to grow as a person was a bit cliche. It would have been nice to see her character develop without the tragedy.
  • Lastly, the movie had a few cheesy moments that made me roll my eyes. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but let's just say there was a scene involving a bumblebee tights that made me cringe a bit.

Table Information

Here is some table information about the movie:

Movie Title Me Before You
Release Date June 3, 2016
Director Thea Sharrock
Screenplay Jojo Moyes
Cast Emilia Clarke, Sam Claflin, Janet McTeer, Charles Dance, Brendan Coyle

Overall, Me Before You is a great movie that will make you laugh, cry, and maybe even cringe a little. But despite its flaws, it's definitely worth a watch.

Closing Message: Watch Me Before You (But Seriously, Don't)

Well, folks, we've come to the end of our journey together. I hope you enjoyed this blog about the movie Me Before You and all of its questionable choices. But before we part ways, I have one final message for you: watch this movie at your own risk. And by risk, I mean don't watch it.

Let's be real here. Me Before You is a mess. It's a melodramatic, ableist, and downright offensive mess. The fact that it was marketed as a romantic movie is laughable. If you're looking for a love story that doesn't involve a disabled person being portrayed as a burden, look elsewhere.

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, But I love Emilia Clarke! And Sam Claflin is so dreamy! Trust me, I get it. They're both talented actors. But even they couldn't save this trainwreck of a movie.

The plot is predictable and cringe-worthy. The characters are one-dimensional and stereotypical. And let's not forget about the ending – I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but let's just say it's not exactly a happy one.

Throughout this blog, I've highlighted some of the more problematic aspects of Me Before You. From the portrayal of disability to the lack of diversity, there's a lot to unpack here. And while I've tried to inject some humor into my analysis, the truth is that these issues are no laughing matter.

So, if you're still considering watching Me Before You, I implore you to reconsider. There are plenty of other movies out there that are worth your time and money. And if you're looking for something that deals with disability in a more respectful and nuanced way, I recommend checking out Crip Camp on Netflix.

But hey, if you're really dead set on watching Me Before You, at least do so with a critical eye. Don't let the movie's problematic elements go unnoticed. Use it as an opportunity to start a conversation about representation and ableism in media.

And with that, I bid you adieu. Thanks for reading this blog and joining me on this wild ride. I hope you found it informative, entertaining, and maybe even a little bit funny. Just remember: when it comes to Me Before You, watch it at your own risk.

People Also Ask About Watch Me Before You

What is Watch Me Before You about?

Watch Me Before You is a romantic drama film based on the novel of the same name by Jojo Moyes. It follows the story of Louisa Clark, a quirky and optimistic young woman who becomes a caregiver for Will Traynor, a wealthy young man who was paralyzed after an accident. As they spend more time together, they develop a deep and unexpected connection.

Is Watch Me Before You sad?

Well, let's just say that if you're the type of person who cries during rom-coms, you might want to bring some tissues. The film deals with heavy themes such as disability, euthanasia, and love in the face of adversity. But don't worry, there are also plenty of heartwarming moments and funny one-liners to balance it out.

Who stars in Watch Me Before You?

The film stars Emilia Clarke as Louisa Clark and Sam Claflin as Will Traynor. Other notable actors include Jenna Coleman, Charles Dance, and Matthew Lewis (yes, Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter).

Is Watch Me Before You a good date movie?

It depends on what you're looking for. If you want a lighthearted rom-com, this might not be the best choice. But if you're in the mood for a heartfelt and emotional love story, then yes, Watch Me Before You could definitely set the mood for a romantic evening.

Does Watch Me Before You have a happy ending?

Without giving too much away, let's just say that the ending is bittersweet. It's not your typical Hollywood fairytale, but it's also not a complete downer. You'll just have to watch it and find out for yourself.

  • So, will I cry my eyes out?
  • How does the soundtrack add to the movie?
  • Is the movie better than the book?
  1. Well, I can't guarantee anything, but there's a good chance you might shed a tear or two. But hey, sometimes that's just what we need to let out some emotions, right?
  2. The soundtrack is amazing! It features songs from Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons, and The 1975, among others. The music adds an extra layer of emotion to the already powerful scenes.
  3. That's subjective, of course. But many fans of the book have praised the film for its faithful adaptation and strong performances from the cast. So, it's definitely worth checking out both and deciding for yourself.